Community News

Healthwatch Northumberland Annual Survey 2020

Healthwatch Northumberland is the independent champion for people who use health and social care services. There’s a local Healthwatch in every area of England. Have…

LGBTQIA+ Survey in North Devon/Torridge

Sunrise, a grassroots community organisation, has released a survey to find out more about LGBTQIA+* specific services and experiences across North Devon and Torridge. They…

National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Project

Over the past several months, Galop has been a lead partner in the National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Capacity Building Project. The project, which has brought…

LGBTQI+ Muslim Charity Hidayah launches Istame’a podcast series to promote Muslim LGBTQI+ stories

Leading LGBTQI+ Muslim – organisation, Hidayah, has today (19th February 2020) launched Istame’a, the first ever dedicated podcast series, exploring the real-life stories and challenges…

Building Safe Choices – Older LGBT+ Housing Survey

If you are over 50, live in London and identify as LGBT+ we would love to hear from you! Tonic Living, Opening Doors London and…

How Do I Tell My Kids?

‘How do I tell my kids?’ is a question we at FFLAG have been asked so many times by lesbian, gay, bi and trans people….

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