Lived Experience Volunteer (for people in the + of LGBT+)

Closing Date: 27th Jul 2024
Trustee (Marketing and Public Relations Lead)

Employment Type: Volunteer

The Plus Importance Project is a newly registered charity that improves understanding and inclusion of people in the + of LGBT+, defined as “sexualities, gender identities and sex characteristics including, but not limited to, asexual, genderfluid, genderqueer, intersex, non-binary, pansexual and queer”. We provide training and support to organisations, educate the public and conduct research on identities in the +.

Lived Experience Volunteer As a Lived Experience Volunteer, you will ensure the Plus Importance Project is representative of different identities. You will support us by forming part of our Lived Experience Panel where you will share your opinions and personal experiences to help inform our work. This may involve:

  • Attending in-person meetings in Bristol
  • Attending online focus groups
  • Responding to requests for feedback via email
  • Sharing your personal experience by recording a short video
  • Completing surveys and participating in research projects


This role is very flexible so there is no set time commitment. We expect to contact you roughly once a month with requests for your input but you will not be expected to respond on every occasion.


  • Sharing your opinions and personal experiences
  • Taking part in focus groups and research projects
  • Ensuring the charity is inclusive of a wide-range of different identities and takes an intersectional approach
  • Supporting the wider work of the Plus Importance Project

Person Specification


  • Lived experience of identifying in the + of LGBT+ (or having a very strong connection to someone with lived experience, such as being a parent of an intersex child)
  • Good communication skills
  • Passion for the work of the charity
  • Personal or professional interest in the work of the Plus Importance Project



  • Detailed knowledge of a particular sector e.g. healthcare, education, sport
  • Ability to occasionally attend in-person events in Bristol

We particularly welcome applications from people that have lived experience that is currently underrepresented in the charity, such as people who are Black, Asian, intersex or aromantic.

For more details, please visit our website.

To apply for this role, please email our Founder Matt Humberstone (he/him) on [email protected] detailing your interest and suitability for the role.

We want as many voices as possible to be heard through our lived experience panel so, for this role, there is no application deadline or selection process.

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