Trans in the City

Trans in the City

Elevating Trans and Non-Binary People in the Workplace.

Trans in the City are the world’s largest organisation for trans and non-binary people in business. Established in 2017, we became a not-for-profit company in 2022, and we are led by trans and non-binary people and collaborate with over 300 global corporate partners to raise awareness, share contacts and best practice, provide role models and speakers and access to consultancy and training.

The premise of Trans in the City is simple  – to pool the expertise, role models and dynamism of those organisations that are doing such great trans awareness work and share it with any organisation that needs it.

By far the biggest challenge in raising acceptance of trans people in the business environment is the level of education about what trans actually is and what an organisation can do to really help trans people. Trans in the City works with some of the world’s leading role models, some of the foremost organisations leading trans awareness and the world’s leading charitable organisations including Mermaids, Stonewall Housing, MindOut and FFlag to provide the information, contacts and expertise to make trans inclusion a success in business.

It’s a known fact that organisations that are diverse and inclusive are more profitable, make better decisions and are more innovative than those that are not. Not only do diverse organisations perform better but they attract more talent and they unlock the full potential of that talent. Being trans supportive, being an organisation that publicly advocates for diversity and supports trans awareness gives a far wider message than one just to the trans community; it tells all people invested in working for the best organisations- those with empathic leadership – that these organisations have the wellbeing and support of its employees at their heart. Its not just the right thing to do, it makes extremely good business sense. Trans in the City can help you unlock that potential.

Celebrating trans and non binary people’s success in business is hugely important – there are hundreds, thousands of trans people in industry and business that are flourishing and being an valuable part of all industries. Those successes, those role models and the organisations they work for should be celebrated – they give hope, they give the real world message that trans people are a valid and valuable part of our society. Trans in the City can help you and your organisations role models get the recognition they deserve plus every year we get all our member organisations together for a day of networking and an evening celebration so we can meet and share our successes together.

We understand that we, as businesses, are on a journey and none of us are perfect; there is always room for improvement. We understand how difficult it is to implement global standards and training, we understand the inclusion challenges specific to huge global organisations that work across the world. That’s why Trans in the City has no entry requirements, no judgement on where you are in your trans awareness journey as an organisation – we’re here to help and through our collaboration we can make the world a better and more inclusive place together.

If you’d like more information or would like to join please feel free to contact us

Services provided for

  1. All LGBT+ Communities
  2. Trans People/People with gender histories

Key areas of work

  1. Advice/Information
  2. Advocacy
  3. Campaigning/Activism
  4. Gender
  5. Networks
  6. Pride
  7. Training

Contact Details

Opening Hours

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