
Positive21 Logo

A peer support group for gay, bisexual & MSM men living with HIV

Gay and bisexual men of all ages with HIV are:

  • better able to cope with the impact of having HIV;
  • are more knowledgeable about HIV and HIV treatments;
  • are more knowledgeable about HIV services;
  • less isolated.


  • To provide a place of safety to facilitate a peer support group for HIV + gay and bisexual men of all ages, who are facing the challenges of HIV/ AIDS.
  • To offer peer support to those recently diagnosed with HIV and those who are at later stages of their life following their diagnosis.
  • To provide guest speakers from the various service providers such as NHS organisations that will increase knowledge on HIV and HIV treatments.
  • To provide guest speakers from welfare rights organisations that will increase knowledge on welfare rights.
  • To provide guest speakers from HIV organisations that will increase knowledge on HIV services in London.
  • To provide an opportunity to meet a diverse range of people from different cultural backgrounds.
  • To encourage open discussion where people can speak freely about their life changing experiences in a non-judgmental and confidential setting.
  • To give people the opportunity to share their concerns and anxieties, develop coping strategies and build self-confidence in order to enhance their life.
  • To encourage people to form friendships and create a support network.
  • To enable people to explore solutions to isolation & loneliness.

Services provided for

  1. Bisexual Men
  2. Gay Men
  3. Men
  4. Other
  5. People over 50
  6. Trans People/People with gender histories
  7. Young People

Key areas of work

  1. Advice/Information
  2. Advocacy
  3. Befriending/1:1
  4. Counselling
  5. Healthcare
  6. Helpline
  7. Mental Health
  8. Self-help/Support Group
  9. Sexual Health

Contact Details


07549 430465


[email protected]



Opening Hours

See Website: http://www.positive21.org.uk/contact.shtml

Meeting Times

See Website: http://www.positive21.org.uk/contact.shtml

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