Highland Pride


We aim to facilitate the preservation, protection, promotion and advancement of the mental health, physical health, and social welfare of the LGBT+ community in the Highlands by:

  1. Facilitating social events to help address social and geographical isolation faced by the LGBT+ community.
  2. Providing signposting for advice and support for the LGBT+ community available locally and nationally (e.g., information on health and other services) and provide a link with agencies working on LGBT+ issues and initiatives.
  3. Promoting fair and equal treatment for the LGBT+ community by challenging the stigma, discrimination, and anti-LGBT+ attitudes and behaviours experienced at both a community and a personal level, either indirectly or directly.

Services provided for

  1. All LGBT+ Communities

Key areas of work

  1. Advice/Information
  2. Advocacy
  3. Events
  4. Policy/Representation
  5. Pride

Contact Details

Opening Hours

Meeting Times

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