Social Media Volunteer

Closing Date: 27th Jul 2024
Trustee (Marketing and Public Relations Lead)

Employment Type: Volunteer

The Plus Importance Project is a newly registered charity that improves understanding and inclusion of people in the + of LGBT+, defined as “sexualities, gender identities and sex characteristics including, but not limited to, asexual, genderfluid, genderqueer, intersex, non-binary, pansexual and queer”. We provide training and support to organisations, educate the public and conduct research on identities in the +.

Social Media Volunteer As a Social Media Volunteer, you will create content for our social media accounts to educate the public, reach organisations that we could work or partner with and build the reputation of the charity. You will support us by connecting with others via social media, including responding to questions and comments. This role also involves monitoring the social media accounts of other organisations and prominent individuals to help the charity build an accurate picture of public perceptions, new opportunities, emerging trends and potential challenges. This role requires a time commitment averaging 2 hours per week, including regular meetings with the Founder and other ad-hoc meetings.


  • Creating content for the charity’s social media channels, including Instagram and LinkedIn
  • Responding to questions and comments from the public and supporting our response to any criticism or abuse
  • Building relationships with the public and other organisations
  • Obtaining useful insights of trends, potential partners and opportunities, and updating others on relevant news
  • Supporting the wider work of the Plus Importance Project

Person Specification Essential:

  • Experience of creating engaging social media content
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Passion for the work of the charity
  • Personal or professional interest in the work of the Plus Importance Project
  • Able to offer at least 2 hours per week


  • Experience and knowledge of related areas such as marketing and public relations
  • Knowledge of the charity sector and social media related risks for charities
  • Knowledge of LGBT+ topics, particularly regarding identities in the + of LGBT+

We particularly welcome applications from people that have lived experience that is currently underrepresented in the charity, such as people who are Black, Asian, intersex or aromantic. For more details, please visit our website. To apply for this role, please email our Founder Matt Humberstone (he/him) on [email protected] by 9am on Friday 1st March with a CV and cover letter detailing your interest and suitability for the role.

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