Lush Charity Pot

Funding priority

  • Charity Pot grants prioritise projects that aim to create long-term change – because it’s crucially important to fund projects that aim to prevent and address the root cause of the problem.
  • Charity Pot grants will support ‘non-violent direct action’ groups.
  • Charity Pot grants also recognise that there is an absolute need for delivering basic life needs and care to those in need (people, animals or the planet).  So, projects that provide aid and support, such as animal shelters and refugee support and advice groups, have also been funded.  However, those groups providing welfare that reaches beyond basic life needs, such as therapies, community social groups, and counselling, would not be prioritised.



Type of funder

Charitable trust or foundation Company

Who can apply

*To apply, your group should have annual incomes of less than £350,000 and be run entirely or predominantly by volunteers.
*You don’t have to be UK based, but, in the case of overseas projects, these should be run by local people and with their direction.
*Charity Pot grants support all kinds of groups, including new organisations and start-ups. However, your group should be not-for-profit.
*Applications from non-secular, religious or military organisations are not accepted.


Charity Pot grants prioritises those projects/organisations that best match the Lush values and ethics. This means applications are NOT accepted from organisations that:

  • Deny the human rights of others
  • Are involved in cruelty/subjugation of animals (incl. farming, testing or research)
  • Coerces or forces others to change their beliefs or proselytizes
  • Harbour racism or prejudice
  • Prevents or impedes the free-speech of others
  • Judge others on anything other than their actions
  • Have not made every effort to be environmentally responsible
  • Promote/support violence, aggression or oppression towards others (we will only support direct action groups if they are non-violent)

Funding Type

  1. Project

Grant details

For campaigning project costs, occasionally core costs are considered.

Charity Pot grants range from £100, up to a maximum of £10,000 per project/application.  The average Charity Pot grant is between £2,000 – £4,000.

Assess their Lush Charity Pot guidelines for full details

Charity Pot Funding Guidelines

Size of grant

  1. Small (£1 - £10,000)

Application details

Applicants are via their online form:

Contact Details


Unit 21-22 Dolphin Quays
Poole Dorset

BH15 1HU

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