Edge Fund

Funding priority

  • Work that creates long-term change in society by addressing the causes of injustice and inequality.
  • Work addressing issues facing a particular community that is led by that community (e.g. a group working on issues around sex work should be led by people with direct lived experience of sex work).
  • Groups based in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England.


Check website for latest funding round

Type of funder

Charitable trust or foundation

Who can apply

Groups based in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England.

They fund small groups that struggle to get funding elsewhere, particularly if other funders might consider them to be too radical. The average income of groups they fund is around £2500. If you’ve received funding from mainstream sources, such as the Big Lottery or local council, or have several paid staff, they will probably not fund you.

They fund all types of non-profit organisations, including groups that are not formally registered.


They do not fund work that only provides services to individuals, such as medical care, counselling, shelter, job training and advice.

They don’t fund religious activities.

They want to address the root causes of injustice, so will not fund work that just addresses the symptoms.

They do not typically fund Social Enterprises or Community Interest Companies.

They do not fund the delivery of services or general operating costs.

They don’t fund anything that is traditionally charitable, or able to receive support from traditional sources (such as charitable foundations.)

Funding Type

  1. Capital expenditure
  2. One-off
  3. Project

Grant details

Grants of up to £3,000. See details of previous grants on their website to get an idea of what they fund.

Size of grant

  1. Small (£1 - £10,000)

Application details

They only open a grant round once they've raised enough money in donations, so keep an eye on the website for upcoming rounds & deadlines. There is a relatively short application form to complete.

If they shortlist your organisation you may be invited to a funding meeting. You may also be invited to participate in the Fund's decision making and assess applications in following rounds.

Contact Details


No address given

None given
United Kingdom

Telephone Number

07767 126 915



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