Report from ‘Ban Conversion Therapy for Everyone’ Protest

Yesterday (Sunday 10th of April), team LGBT+ Consortium joined many of our member organisations in protesting the Government’s decision not to include trans people in the conversion therapy ban.

A crowd of protestors facing 10 Downing Street. A trans flag is waving in the wind in the middle of the crowd, and next to it a sign that states "respect our existence or expect our resistance".
Protestors chanting “LGB with the T” and “Keep Trans in the Ban” at 10 Downing Street.

While organisers expected around 100 participants, more than 3000 people showed up to tell the Government that they must protect trans people from so-called conversion therapy. The sound of thousands chanting “Keep Trans in the ban” and “LGB with the T” across Whitehall is hard to describe, but the display of trans power, community and solidarity was deeply inspirational.

Shaan (Trans Organisations Network Officer) and Marita (London Engagement Officer) at the protest.

As pointed out by others, rarely have we seen such a highly attended rally for trans rights in the UK. This confirms what we already know: the public strongly disagrees with the Government and wants to keep Trans in the ban. This has become particularly evident as the petition to ensure that Trans people are fully protected under any conversion therapy ban, got more than 100, 000 signatures in the space of 4 days. The message is clear: A ban that does not include everyone, is not a ban at all.

We are so proud of our Trans member organisations and their achievements, and we will continue to support them at every step of the way. #TogetherWithTrans.

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