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PRIDE 2021: Stories of LGBTQ+ Resilience and Empowerment

Multi-award-winning Inclusion and Wellbeing Consultant, David E. Hull-Watters has spent the past decade interviewing numerous LGBTQ+ role models from education, entertainment, law enforcement, medical and emergency services, politics, religion and sports for his book, NEVER BLEND IN.

In this relaxed, accessible, interactive and engaging presentation, he shares his own story alongside selected video extracts to illustrate the importance of conscious inclusion in the workplace and wider society.

The audience are asked to consider the benefits of diversity and inclusion within their organisation, not only in terms of LGBTQ+ individuals but across the breadth of Protected Characteristics.

David interweaves these eloquent testimonies with an exploration of how life need not be a self-fulfilling prophecy, that our “truth” is shaped through our relationships, our environment, and our experiences, and of how we can change our perceptions, heighten our self-esteem, and move toward personal and professional goals with clear vision and purpose, a message relevant to all participants!

Event Details

19th June 2021 • 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

3.50 – 6.50




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